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  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом
  • С9484294-20 С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом

С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом

Product Code: С9484294-20 Out Of Stock

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59 060 руб.   
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4 922 руб.
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Main characteristics

For whom Men's watch
Country Russia
Brand Spetsnaz
Warranty 12 months
Collection Sniper
Type of goods Wrist watch


Bracelet/band polymer
Case material Stainless steel
Case plating blackening
Case thickness 13 mm
Diameter or width of case 44 mm
Lug width 20 ATM mm
Shape of case round
Water-resistance 10 ATM
Weight 135 gr
Glass Sapphire


Movement Miyota OS20
Type of movement quartz chronograph
Chronograph yes


Color of dial blue
Features Хронограф
Type of numbers Arabic
Military style yes
Case color black

Watch instruction


Одна из основных моделей легендарной серии часов "Альфа" в титановом корпусе с черным PVD-покрытием (чернением). Чернение приближает эту модель часов к часам, применяемым в реальных боевых условиях, так как покрытие не отражает света, а значит, не дает опасных в условиях боя бликов. "Изюминка" модели - необычное расположение шкал хронографа, выполненного в стиле авиационной шкалы приборов. Как и другие модели этой коллекции, часы являются номерными и выпущены специальной ограниченной серией, что подтверждает сертификат и гравировка на задней крышке часов. "Сердце" часов - высокоточный кварцевый хронограф японского производства. Часы комплектуются специальной защитной решеткой, которая предохраняет от серьезных повреждений прочное антибликовое сапфировое стекло. Корпус и браслет сделаны из титана, наиболее прочного и легкого из всех часовых металлов. Еще одна особенность этой коллекции - качественнная водозащита в 10 АТМ, которая позволяет купаться и плавать, не снимая часов. Часы комплектуются специальным с

About the brand

«Spetsnaz» is a special watch to be used in different elements: on land, water, space, around high temperatures. This is a truly unique watch, developed together with the anti-terror divisions of the FSB of the Russian Federation. «Spetsnaz» collectiable models don't have any comparables either in the Russian market or foreign watch markets. Such famous people as pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Janibekov, fighters of the FSB «Alpha» Group division, famous politicians and businessmen took part in developing «Spetsnaz» watch.

The “Spetsnaz” trademark was created in 2002 by “Verniy Hod” Russian watchmaking company. Thanks to the cooperation with the Defence Ministry and the FSB of the Russian Federation “Spetsnaz” watch was tested in real field conditions. The “Spetsnaz Alpha” watch was ordered by a legendary special “Alpha” group division of the FSB. It was supplied to equip the staff of the group on July 26, 2006, on the date of the group's anniversary and became an important element of the Group “A” fighter gear.

About the collection

The Sniper watch will not make you unnoticeable, to the contrary, they will attract your friends', colleagues' and partners' attention. The sapphire glass with double-sided anti-glare coating is almost invisible and allows to enjoy seeing the bold watch face. Embracing your hand, the watch will become a stylish accessory not just for everyday wear, but even when you need it the most. The glass and the matte finish will not create any unwarranted glare.

Waterproof finish of the watch at 100 meters allows to swim and dive when holding breath. There is a Japanese quartz chronograph in the heart of the watch, or, otherwise, there is a self-winding mechanism.  

С9484294-20 Wrist watch Spetsnaz Sniper quartz с хронографом отзывы

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In 2022, the Museum of Time and Watches located at 1 Rusakovskaya Street opened its doors. The Museum of Time and Watches, located in the heart of Moscow, is famous for its unique collection dedicated to the history of watches. The exhibition dedicated to the Slava watch occupies a central place in the museum and attracts many visitors. These watches, released in different years, demonstrate the evolution of design and technology that have made them popular over the decades.