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In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 15.07.2018
In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 12.07.2018
In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 12.07.2018
In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 10.07.2018
In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 10.07.2018
In the period April 2018 we conducted our winners in monthly promotions Trickle, at last Fridays live stream that was broadcast on our website, YouTube channel: https://www.
  • 10.05.2018
12 April 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the spacecraft "Vostok-1" was launched from cosmodrome "Baikonur" and for the first time in the world has made orbital flight of the Earth. Flight in near-earth space lasted 108 minutes.
  • 12.04.2018
In preparation for the world championship FIFA World Cup Russia 2018, watch factory "Slava" has released a special commemorative watches for football fans.
  • 03.04.2018
Shop "RUSSIAN WATCHES" TPU "PLANERNAYA" moved to another room.
  • 03.04.2018
В период с декабря 2016 года по август 2017 года мы проводили определение победителей по акции Ручеёк каждую неделю, по пятницам в прямом эфире, который транслировался на нашем сайте, канале YouTube и на страницах наших групп в социальных сетях Facebook и Вконтакте.
  • 25.08.2017
Уважаемые покупатели!По многочисленным просьбам мы начинаем принимать предварительные заказы на "Я рашист" из коллекции "Идеология", созданных совместно с Иваном Охлобыстиным.
  • 06.03.2015
Победители акции Ручеек в г. Москва от 25.01.2016 года
  • 06.03.2015
На протяжении многих лет мы проводим акцию под названием Ручеёк.
  • 06.03.2015