Военные часы – это неординарный повседневный аксессуар, который нередко служит сугубо эстетическим целям или подчеркивает статус обладателя. Это часы-ориентир, часы-навигатор с особой стилистикой, соответствующей их ключевым функциям. О верном армейском товарище, с которым можно покорить вершины и пойти на глубину, многие из нас мечтают с детства: с компасом, высотомером, хронографом и другими незаменимыми в деле, а главное – простыми и оперативными функциями. Назначение таких часов в первую очередь - не подвести своего владельца в экстремальных и трудных условиях, в условиях боевых действий, дальней дороги или операции спасения, когда каждая минута не просто дорога, а ценна как жизнь. Поэтому к ним предъявляют особые требования: часы должны быть прочны, надежны, быстро и точно ориентировать в открытом пространстве, безотказно функционировать в любую погоду и любое время суток, вне зависимости от того, где придется действовать – на земле, воде или в воздухе.
Military watch is extraordinary, everyday accessory that often serves a purely aesthetic purpose or underlines the status of the owner. It watch guide, watch-Navigator with special style appropriate to their key functions. A true travel companion with whom you can conquer the peaks and go on depth, many of us dream from childhood: with compass, altimeter, chronograph and other essential in business, and most importantly – simple and rapid functions. The appointment of such hours in the first place, not to let his the owner in extreme and difficult conditions in combat, a long road or rescue operations, when every minute is not an easy road, and valuable as life. So they meet special requirements: the watch must be durable, reliable, quickly and precisely target in open space, to function flawlessly in any weather and any time of the day, regardless of from where will have to act on land, water or in the air.
To the military also includes clock, supplied with military equipment: self-propelled launchers, aircraft, ships, etc., as well as premium, which are characterized by special – gala – design and awarded as a mark of distinction for merit to the Fatherland.
The term "military" or "combat" watch appeared in the XIX century, when there was a need for time synchronization of combat operations, and later, during the First and Second world wars, for approval the actions of the various military and special forces. Thus, the first military watch individual use began to be produced in Europe specifically for the representatives of military craft as well as military engineers and rescuers. They had a look a wrist, pocket less, possessed high strength and was to withstand shock, vibration and extreme pressure. The earliest instances of hours, half a century later, there were search teams in areas of combat action and complement the picture of the events of those brutal days.
The soldiers of the red Army as the European soldiers, also felt the urgent the need for such a valuable accessory as accurate, serviceable, and convenient hours at the front is no less important than combat machines and tools. After the revolution, the Assembly and the watch repair was carried out handicraft, on the basis of repair and Assembly workshops where used remained since tsarist times, details and raw materials. But stocks quickly exhausted, and scattered, often low quality production is not could satisfy the need of the army, accelerated tempo increasing their power. Mass production was established only in the thirties, when the conveyor The first State watch factory went wrist army watch "Kirovskie", developed on the basis of already existing K-43, and began slowly to fill the shelves of the army stores, and spread to military units. A little later came mark combat hours "Star" category Penza Bicycle factory technical assistance which was provided by French experts.
In 1965, a legend was born, the Soviet watchmakers, combat award watch "Commander". They differ not only vivid and memorable for those times design, but also advanced technical characteristics: the shockproof, water resistant, illuminated hands, indexes and dial. Backlight to facilitate viewing of the display has become an indispensable feature and other military and sports models.
Needless to say, the "Commander" made a splash, and although they was part of the military government order and were not intended for sale a few copies were periodically released into stores "px", leave in a few days. The shift to mass production occurred in eighties, and now anyone could buy a glorified accessory. With the change in the consumer audience has changed appearance and functionality hours: to a lesser extent, be relevant to military personnel, and greater extent that the person is seen first of all in hours popular eminent accessory in the style of "military".
The military clock is the clock of history. Memories of a powerful productive the forces of the Soviet watch factories live in such stamps as the "Laser", an incredibly beautiful performance of "Rocket", "Navigator", in which Yuri Gagarin made his first space flight. With the beginning of the era of space exploration began to develop actively a variation of military watches, focused on test pilots and astronauts. Today, the majority of Soviet stamps are rare, and some – even Museum exhibits. Being a military or expeditionary attribute military watches carry the memory of prominent large-scale events, and someone to serve the memory of the illustrious deeds of loved ones.